Ponari is a kid from Jombang, East Java, Indonesia. He is 10 years old, and people know he is a supernatural medicine. He has a magic stone. The stone have a power to make healthy people. I don’t know it is accurate news or not. But there are thousands people stand in a row in front of Ponari house. In order to have the blessing healthy power of Ponari stone. Ponari and his stone to be a very famous people in Indonesia lately.
Ponari is a kid from Jombang, East Java, Indonesia. He is 10 years old, and people know he is a supernatural medicine. He has a magic stone. The stone have a power to make healthy people. I don’t know it is accurate news or not. But there are thousands people stand in a row in front of Ponari house. In order to have the blessing healthy power of Ponari stone. Ponari and his stone to be a very famous people in Indonesia lately.
With the power of his stone Ponari can earning about 50 million IDR per days. This is the collect of donation from his visitors. Ponari, he is to be my first object of my blog site. How Ponari can be a healthy icon brand. How he can make a suggestion to all the people and how people came and waiting in a list to have his treatment.
Although there is not any marketing and not a planning of sales strategy of the little supernatural doctors Ponari. He had be a top brand in Indonesia. The promotion mouth to mouth really being a powerful of his market and sales strategy. But he did not plan it and never imagine. Mouth to mouth is the oldest strategy of sales and marketing in a promotion. It is being more powerful while the entire journalist writes in their news about the controversial of Ponaris power. In the first time. Only people in Jombang know about Ponari power. But when there are some accidents in Ponari house. Some Indonesian news papers make the accidents as a head line. Blew ….. Ponari became a very well knows little super medicine in Indonesia.
You know, controversial is being a trick always. This is a way to make anybody is being well know. Remember about Dewi Persik, Inul Daratista and even do a George W Bush. They are peopling with full controversial. Do you want to use this in your marketing strategy? ( written by Aji and Joe)